Praying for our Children: Reflections from Academic Dean Vicki Leong
TCS Academic Dean reflects on the article from the Gospel Coalition, "The Parent's Daily Commute":
“As my own two children have left home, one in her Junior year of college and the other working in Los Angeles, I realize that my ‘job is not done’. I need to continue to lift them up before my Father, as they make their own decisions, choose their mates, drive in LA traffic and on the I-5, I cling to Him, to keep them safe, give them discernment and love with God’s love."
This article talks about making tracks in the snow but for us in Hawaii, envision early morning tracks in the sand. This article says that we continue to have the privilege to lead our children to the throne of grace.
Read the article here:
The Investment of a Classical Christian Education

By Peahi Kapepa, TCS parent
When deciding to send my daughter to Trinity Christian School, I was very attracted to the school as a whole. First, for the obvious reasons that the Bible is taught and prayer and Christ are woven throughout everything the students do from playtime to resolving conflicts and problems.
Now, three years later, I’ve learned about the Classical Christian approach and its benefits as a natural progression of education. At first, it sounded strange to me. When it comes to things that seem complicated and fancy, I assume that it’s something that it’s not. My skepticism was proven right and wrong. Right, by learning what Classical Christian education is, I realized it is relatively simple and a common-sense approach that has been shown over time. And wrong, in that the American public education system has strayed far from what was working for so long. The “new” progressive method has “dumbed down” the basics of how children are taught.

The Trivium is comprised of Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric stages but I’ve chosen to focus on the first part of the Trivium: Grammar. Not only is grammar taught but heavily emphasized in the classical format in K-6. Grammar is explained using the vehicles of song and chant which is invaluable to memorization. It’s also fun and causes the kids to thrive in their early years. Instead of merely learning “grammar,” students are learning all subjects from a logical perspective. It has been fascinating to see this at work in my daughter.
Another part of the grammar stage of the classical method that attracted me to Trinity is the focus on language. I was glad to find out that Hawaiian is taught in the first few years of Elementary school because my daughter and I are part-Hawaiian. I have taught her to first identify herself as a child of God, but it’s important to me that she learn about her culture and the beautiful place we are blessed to live.

The other language subject that impressed me is that Latin is taught. My parents both studied Latin in high school and college, and I know how much they value the understanding it gave them. I look forward to my daughter delving into the subject.

We are approaching our fourth year at Trinity, and I am absolutely sold on the classical Christian method of education. I’ve had the perspective of witnessing the school as a parent and as a teacher. I will testify to the value of classical Christian education and how my daughter has blossomed and excelled in this system. Our Christian family values are being reinforced at school. My daughter is receiving a superior education based on a proven record. It will continue to enhance her life after she graduates.
May Day 2018

May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii!
Written by Donna Tamaye
The lei is known worldwide as a symbol of aloha. The lei custom was introduced to the Hawaiian Island by the early Polynesian voyagers, who courageously sailed from Tahiti by navigating the stars. With these first Hawaiians, the tradition of the lei was born. Some leis were symbolic, such as the kukui nut lei, which was worn only by Ali’i (royalty). However, perhaps the most significant lei was the Maile lei. Among other sacred uses, it was used to signify a peace agreement between opposing chiefs. In a Heiau (temple), the chiefs would symbolically intertwine the fragrant Maile vine, and its completion officially established peace between the two groups.
Great love and care is taken into the gathering of the materials to make a lei, which traditionally included flowers, leaves, shells, seeds, nuts, and feathers. After the materials are gathered, they are prepared and sewn to become a lei. As this is done, the mana (or spirit) of the creator of the lei is sewn into it. Therefore, when you give a lei, you are giving a part of you. Likewise, as you receive a lei, you are receiving a part of the creator of the lei.
On May 1, 1927, Hawaii celebrated its very first Lei Day in downtown Honolulu. In 1928, Mayor Charles Arnold crowned Lei Queen Nina Bowman in Honolulu. Today, the Lei Day, also known as May Day, festivities have flourished to include a selection of a Lei Day Queen, with a princess representing each of the islands, wearing lei fashioned with the island’s flower and color.
We will continue this very special tradition at Trinity on April 30 and May 1st. 2nd grade through 12th grade will celebrate on April 30, from 9:00-10:30 on the Makai campus. Preschool through 1st Grade will celebrate May 1 from 9-10 am in the Mauka campus sanctuary. All students are encouraged to wear aloha attire or uniforms and Makai students are encouraged to bring a lei for the lei exchange, as a symbol of exchanging aloha. Both campuses will have a Facebook live stream of the events.
Why Trinity?

Why Trinity?
Written by Carol Awaya, parent and teacher
“Why Trinity?” If you’re like my family, this question resonates in your home throughout the school year as we evaluate each of our children’s’ strengths and needs. “Why Trinity?” What is your answer to that question? Is it because Trinity is the only fully accredited Classical Christian School in Hawaii? Is it because your child has found their niche in a sport that they play, or feel as if they are an integral part of their classroom or house? Is it because Trinity has an academic curriculum that challenges your child and prepares them for college? Maybe you appreciate that class sizes are small, ensuring your child has the appropriate amount of attention and they don’t have the opportunity to fall between the cracks. Maybe your love for Trinity is because of the sense of ohana and community that is fostered here, making the school an extension of your family. Maybe it’s because you know your child is loved by their teachers as they are in your home—even, when the love involves having to put limits on your child or imposing a consequence to shape their heart and grow their character. For my husband and me, all of this matters to us. But most of all, we are striving to raise children with Christ at the center of their lives and praying that they develop a heart of respect, humility, love for others, love for learning, become confident and articulate adults, and develop a heart that serves—much like what the “Profile of a Graduate” outlines.
"...It takes time, energy, discipline, consistency, persistence and hard work to develop an individual of such character. For example, if you want to lose weight, it involves a daily regimen of eating clean, working out, getting enough sleep, minimizing sugar intake, drinking plenty of water, and not giving up. Classical Christian education involves that sort of discipline."
So, what does Trinity’s “Profile of a Graduate” look like? It is a good reflection of what we would like our children to be one day: those who love God, love others, love to learn, think and communicate precisely, engage culture, delight in beauty and walk humbly. Can my husband and I accomplish this on our own? Not apart from the strength and grace of God nor without those who we surround our children with, day in and day out.
I think most of you would agree with me, that it takes time, energy, discipline, consistency, persistence and hard work to develop an individual of such character. For example, if you want to lose weight, it involves a daily regimen of eating clean, working out, getting enough sleep, minimizing sugar intake, drinking plenty of water and not giving up. Classical Christian education involves that sort of discipline. In the Grammar stage, students are memorizing a ton of information through chants and songs to build a bank of information and facts for one to pull from. In the Logic stage they are making sense of the information, putting an order to that information and are making connections. At the Rhetoric stage, while still gaining information, they can thoughtfully express their conclusions and convictions and are able to defend a senior thesis. This does not happen just because our children naturally grow and mature in that way. It takes practice, being intentional, moments of taking one step forward and three steps back, and persevering through challenges. The teachers here intentionally work on training our students to be critical thinkers and life-long learners. Scripture is memorized so that a “branding” takes place in our hearts and that a student can use God’s word to carry them through a challenging part of life or give hope to another in need. The elementary teachers are intentional about teaching through songs and chants because they know it helps the information “stick” so that they may be able to recall that information when they most need it. The school is intentional about training up well-spoken and articulate students via exordiums, our drama club and debate team. Each of these exercises are valuable in themselves, and consequently help develop skills necessary to interview for a job, make an oral presentation in college and help develop leadership skills.
Secondary teachers are looking for ways for our students to serve in our community and serve alongside our children. Our coaches continue to encourage the players to do all things for the glory of God and walk humbly even when they may have earned a Championship win. These are only a few examples of how the teachers and administration impact our children’s lives. As parents, we are grateful for this partnership we have at Trinity. As a teacher, I am also grateful that I have my colleagues supporting and helping me become a better parent and educator. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
My husband and I don’t know what the future holds or what will become of our children when they are adults, but we are thankful we have partnered with Trinity to invest in our children’s lives and their hearts. Knowing that they know the Lord and have a relationship with Jesus is the best gift we could ask for. Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1
Merry Christmas!
TCS Uniforms in Swaziland

Photos from the mission director of Advocates for Africa's Children, information from Audrey Koizumi
In March 2016, we encouraged parents to donate used Dennis uniform shirts (during our switch to Lands End uniforms) which we collected for the mission organization, Advocates for Africa's Children.
We received about 150 shirts, which were hand-delivered with a missions trip this summer to children in Mgambeni, Swaziland, which TCS Junior, Jesse Makuakane, and his mom, Kathy, participated in. It's wonderful to see our donations being put to good use! Thanks to all who donated.
Makahiki 2017

Another Successful Makahiki in the Books!
Written by Nancy Keegan
In its 5th year, the 2017 TCS Makahiki was a great success. From its inception, the goals for the Makahiki were to build community within the school, invite Windward Oahu to see how special our little school is, promote elements of Hawaiian culture, and raise funds for financial assistance and school enhancement efforts (PTF). This parent believed 100% in the mission and vision of TCS and wanted to be able to share that with all of Oahu.
The success of the Makahiki was due in part to the vision and commitment of this parent but more than that, it is because of our TCS ‘ohana. When you are part of a school ‘ohana you are bound together, not by only by blood but by a cooperative effort and care for each other. When we are concerned with the interests of others, we will be blessed abundantly.
In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:4-5
Trinity wants to be recognized as a school of excellence. We desire to be unashamedly Christian, excellent in academics, strengthen the character of our students, and partner with parents.
Events like the TCS Makahki strengthen our ‘ohana. The TCS Makahiki, is only possible due to the investment of our school families. Our goal was 100% participation. We didn’t reach that goal, but in the five years of chairing this event, it grew and flourished. The event got bigger and earned more money, but more importantly, the TCS students, families, and teachers found value in the event and wanted to contribute to its success. Mrs. Greene volunteered to rent the cotton candy machine and get sticky making cotton candy all day. ‘Ohana RC volunteered to set up the fun race course game. Parents began showing up at 6:30 am ready to help. Parents I’d never met emailed wanting to donate items for auction and be part of the entertainment. The event achieved portions of the goal to build the community well before the blessing to begin the Makahiki.
Was the Makahiki A LOT of work? YES! I have five years of Makahiki sweat and grit under my fingernails. Will I remember exactly how much work it was? NO. What are some of my 2017 Makahiki memories? I will remember cutting the kiawe wood and smelling that kalua pig when its pulled from the imu. I will remember listening to Brother Noland sing, make jokes about being stuck in the traffic, and watch Hailey dance a beautiful hula. I will remember the winds calmed, the sun shined, and it was a beautiful day spending time with our Trinity ‘ohana.
Getting up early, working hard, planning for months, all of these experiences build our bonds to one another. The fun times and the memories cement those relationships. We are entering a new season for the TCS Makahiki. As co-chairs (myself and Raynee David) believe it is time to allow others to rise in leadership and reap the benefits of building the community, relationships, and ‘ohana at TCS.
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