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Trinity Christian School Graduates

Since May 2013, Trinity Christian School has graduated five outstanding classes of exceptional students from its secondary school. Graduates have gone on to a wide range of colleges and universities in Hawaii, across the mainland, and even internationally. While many are offered generous scholarships and receive other awards and recognitions, our alumni excel in different ways; some volunteer for mission trips, study abroad, or become leaders in their new communities.

Alumni Updates

Philip '13 graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of Oklahoma, and is continuing his Ph.D. track for Mathematics.

Jenny '13 graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, with minors in Printing & Publishing Arts, Art History, and Latin from Pacific Lutheran University. Jenny is currently attending Portland State University in Oregon to obtain her Master of Arts in Book Publishing.

David '13 graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from Azusa Pacific University. David finished a Master’s program at Rutgers University, New Jersey for Digital Marketing, and will be in a professional development program of supply chain management at Northrop Grumman.

Lexi '13 graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Sociology from Benedictine University. Lexi is currently enrolled in a Master’s program in Homeland Security with a concentration in Counterterrorism at American Military University.


Zoe '14 just graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in Communications. 

Allie '14 graduated from the University of Oregon, majoring in Theater with a minor in Business. After graduation, she plans to move to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the television and film industry.

Amaris '14 received her Bachelor of Arts in Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA. She is currently applying to two accelerated nursing programs, one in New Mexico and the other in North Carolina. She hopes to practice nursing for a few years before going on to get her Masters in an area of woman and infant health/nutrition. 

Jennifer '14 graduated with a Bachelor’s in Communications & minor in Public Relations from Point Loma Nazarene University. She is now working at in downtown San Diego.

Shaun '14 graduated from Cincinnati Christian University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management. 

Mary '14 is graduating this year from Shippensburg University with a double major in Spanish and Biology.  She intends to take a year off and will be applying to law school in Environmental Law.

Colleges & Universities Our Alumni Attend

  • American University (Washington, D.C.)

  • Azusa Pacific University (Azusa, CA)

  • Benedictine College (Lisle, IL)

  • Biola University (La Mirada, CA)

  • California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo, CA)

  • Central Michigan University (Mount Pleasant, MI)

  • Concordia University Irvine (Irvine, CA)

  • Corban University (Salem, OR)

  • Covenant College (Lookout Mountain, GA)

  • George Fox University (Newberg, OR)

  • Hawaii Pacific University (Honolulu, HI)

  • Kapiolani Community College (Honolulu, HI)

  • New St. Andrew’s College (Moscow, ID)

  • Northeastern University (Boston, MA)

  • Northwestern University (Orange City, IA)

  • Oregon State University (Bend, OR)

  • Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, WA)

  • Patrick Henry College (Washington D.C.)

  • Point Loma Nazarene University (San Diego, CA)

  • Portland State University (Portland, OR)

  • Saint Louis University (Saint Louis, MO)

  • Shippensburg University (Shippensburg, PA)

  • Texas A&M University (College Station, TX)

  • Texas Lutheran University (Seguin, TX)

  • Trinity University (San Antonio, TX)

  • Trinity Western University (B.C., Canada)

  • University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs, CO)

  • University of Hawaii (Honolulu, HI)

  • University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)

  • University of Oklahoma (Norman, OK)

  • University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)

  • University of Richmond (Richmond, VA)

  • University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT)

  • Wheaton College (Chicago, IL)

  • Windward Community College (Kaneohe, HI)

Alumni 10 for 10

TCS Alumni are encouraged to donate $10.00 for 10 years post TCS graduation. 

You are a TCS alumni! 

TCS was an important part of your past, TCS is excited for your future, and TCS prays you are part of the TCS legacy!

Join in on supporting TCS and give to the Alumni 10 for 10 fund today!

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