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Engaging lives and changing minds

Our Mission

We are a Christ-centered classical school committed to partnering with parents to engage the minds and transform the lives of students for the glory of God.

Our Convictions

Our world view is Christian: As humans, we seek to find our place in God’s creation and His story of redemption in a fallen world. This draws us into an honest pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. Christian education aims to train wise and virtuous adults who are able to discern truth, choose what is good, and beautifully express the reason for those choices. We believe that the ultimate fulfillment of this journey can only be found in the person of Jesus Christ.

Our motivation is the Gospel: The Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ, gives us purpose in every endeavor and teaches us  to approach our world, our community, and our work with humility. In this age of self interest and self-serving pragmatism, we acknowledge our dependence on our Creator and trust in the provision of His Son on the cross. We are motivated not by indebtedness, but by a thankful heart. Therefore our academic pursuits are not an obligation or a ticket to success, but rather a response to the Good News and an act of worship.

Our method is Classical: We believe that the classical method of learning provides the best means of educating children. It is based on centuries of experience in effectively educating history’s greatest minds and leaders. We train students through their natural developmental stages in the disciplines of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric. These tools of learning capitalize on the Western liberal arts tradition and equip young men and women to be lifetime learners in any context or culture.

Our desire is to Partner with Parents: We recognize the God-given authority of parents as the primary educators over their children, so we respect and faithfully serve parents in that tremendous responsibility. We welcome parent involvement to engage in the life and vitality of our school community. Together we strive for the success of students, in the classroom, in the home, and for the family. Ultimately, we partner with parents to glorify God in our community.


Find out more about What We Believe