Jason Kimura, Board Chair | Jason is a writer, graphic designer, and photographer at The Queen's Health Systems. He is an alumnus of the University of Hawaii in Fine Arts. After graduation, he worked various jobs before becoming a graphic artist. Additional experience gained in design, photography, and writing, helped to prepare him for his career at Queen’s. Jason joined the School Board in September 2020 and is the current Board Chairman. He served on the Board before, about 10 years ago. Jason believes in TCS' mission to transform the lives of students for the glory of God. He and his wife Kathy live in Kailua. Both of their children attended TCS. Daughter Jenny graduated as a part of the “pioneer” class of 2013.
Brittany Lum, Secretary | Brittany is an alumna of TCS (completing 6th grade) before TCS expanded to include a secondary school. She graduated from Hawaii Baptist Academy. She earned a BA in Electronic Print and Journalism from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech). She also earned an MBA in Brand Management from the French Institute of Economic Studies in Paris. Brittany is the founder of MarnaMaria Spices and Herbs, a gourmet seasoning company. She has a passion for seeing TCS grow in Christ through the power of God's grace.
Jon Rawlings: Jon is an active member of the Kailua community. He has an advanced degree from Harvard Divinity School and served as pastor at Kailua Baptist Church until 2008. Today he is a full-time artist and photographer. He sells his pottery at local art shows throughout the year. Jon is also a gifted public speaker and writer. He has written both fiction and non-fiction, and has also written grants. Together with his wife Jeri-Lynn, they opened their home as an intentional Christian community for young adults (20-30s), who are in need of education, fellowship, and support.
Lauren Mell: Lauren Mell has spent the last two decades in the field of education. She specializes in literacy and elementary education, and holds a master’s degree in special education. Her experience has included creating professional development programs, providing educator mentoring, developing individualized educational plans for students, and developing curriculum for and teaching multiple primary and secondary grade levels in a variety of settings, including nonprofit organizations, public schools and districts, churches, and private educational coops spanning a wide geographic range, including Delaware, New Jersey, Indiana, Massachusetts, and Hawaii. She has been living in Hawaii for eleven years and is a member of Kailua Baptist Church where she serves as coordinator and a teacher for the children's and women's ministries. She met and married her husband at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, and they have five children for whom she is currently the primary educator. Lauren is passionate about the Scriptures, reformed doctrine, high quality education, classical learning, the humanities, and the intersection of these disciplines in discipleship and scholarship to the glory of God and for the benefit of humankind. She has been blessed to have her oldest child participate in TCS's homeschool extension program since 2023. Lauren enjoys making time for oil painting, gardening, exercise, and reading.