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Engaging lives and changing minds

Throughout His ministry on earth, Jesus taught that young children were to be valued and treasured. Indeed He was clear that “ unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3-4).

TCS Preschool desires to do the same, by offering a developmentally appropriate program that nurtures the whole child. Spiritual, social, emotional, physical and cognitive aspects are cultivated in an integrated curriculum, based on best practice models. Our highly qualified and loving teachers strive to create positive experiences where every child can flourish.    

Much emphasis is placed on character development and social skills as the children learn through stories, songs and activities.  

Our curriculum includes: 

  • daily Bible lessons as we guide the preschoolers through Biblical Foundations for Early Childhood Education by the University of Nations. 

At this pre-grammar stage, academic goals are achieved through exposure and practice of basic skills: 

  • Our language arts phonics program is based on The Writing Road to Reading. 
  • Activity-centered math instruction is accomplished through both Saxon Math and Mathematics Their Way programs. 
  • Science thematic units are explored using the Berkeley GEMS curriculum.

Our Pre-Kindergarten (3 years old by June 30) and Junior Kindergarten (4 years old by June 30) classes are below state-mandated teacher/student ratios. In addition to their lead teacher, students attend specialist classes in music, physical education, swimming, Hawaiian language, and multi-sensory activities. Excursions and special events (Christmas Program, Spring Event, and May Day) further complement the preschool experience, and provide opportunities for family involvement.

One of our primary goals is to prepare our students for transition to kindergarten.

To achieve this goal, daily lessons include equal time for both gross and fine motor development. Lessons are planned with focus on skill building activities that equip students with the proper tools and lay the foundation for future success.  Our hope and prayer is that our students grow in confidence, be nurtured in the love and faith of God, and develop a healthy eagerness to learn.