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There is Classical Christian Education, and there is Trinity Christian School

June 30, 2023
By Lena Staggers

All things grow and evolve, including educational practices established centuries ago.

The principles of a Classical Christian Education date back to ancient Greece and its master philosophers. Classical Christian Education is time-honored, and it firmly establishes a Biblical worldview as it integrates concepts based on the natural phases of child development. It also cultivates the seven Christian virtues (humility, kindness, patience, diligence, temperance, abstinence, and chasity) while fostering in all students the concepts of reasoning, critical thinking and confident public presentation.

In the parlance of Latin, these principles are coined: the Paideia (the fostering of the soul); the Trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric); and the Quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy).
A Classical Christian Education uses a Biblical framework to understand everything. It also sees subjects, not as individual classes based on a single topic (say, mathematics, or history), but a curriculum that intersects and flows, where math might inform language arts which in turn informs social studies, science, the arts, and beyond.

Subjects are integrated around the truth that God is Creator of all that exists.

Now, what sets Trinity Christian School in beautiful Kailua, windward side, apart from the many wonderful CCE schools around the globe? How has TCS continued to grow and evolve as a living curriculum and a vibrant and close-knit community, alive and awash in the Spirit of our Lord?

It begins with the humble understanding that we are always a work in progress, actively listening to parents, students, faculty and staff. We are growing constantly in our recognition and praise of our Creator.
Christ forms the very center of our purpose and practice at Trinity. Our intellectual pursuits are satisfied by Him, “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3). Our moral pursuits are motivated by the life HE lived, the cross HE bore, and the gift HE secured. It is through Christ that we find our ultimate purpose in education.

At TCS we view ourselves as an Ohana—or a “family.”

While we have grown since our founding in 1981 (and even more so in recent years), we are still at our core a welcoming fellowship, striving to know and care for our students and their families by name with mindful intention.

One important conviction at Trinity is to partner with parents as they raise their children. We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children, and that this partnership can be a nurturing source of support, spiritually, educationally, and socially.

As we collaborate each day with our families, we also strive to look at new and exciting ways to learn and evolve. First and foremost, we believe that YES, learning can and should be fun. The fundamental problem with institutionalized, rote education is that the end result is many students dread going to school. We strive to instill in every Trinity Christian student a deep-seated love of learning and a foundational curiosity for life, beauty, and knowledge.

All across our integrated curriculum, our extra-curricular activities, and our many off-campus excursions, we guide students to value learning as a lifetime pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. Students delight in all subjects and disciplines with wonder and awe for the Author of them.

We guide students to undertake with confidence challenging subjects and to read carefully, critically and copiously. Trinity students seek to understand both sides of an argument with intellectual honesty. They are thinkers. Again and again, they exhibit a mastery of subjects and excellence in academic pursuits. They recognize the mind/body connection and are physically trained for health, fitness, and strong mental health as a result.
Our broad range of “excursions” takes students—PreK all the way up to 12th grade— outside the classroom to learn – whether it’s at a local Hawaiian farm, the Honolulu Museum of Art, the Lyon Arboretum, or our “Grand Tour” for seniors which embarks upon a two-week trip around the world to destinations such as Europe.

Our robust athletics program recognizes the inherent value in sports—teamwork, confidence, good sportsmanship, and a healthy sense of competition. The Trinity Lions  glorify Jesus Christ through athletic participation and competition in volleyball, basketball, soccer, cross country and more.

At Trinity Christian School, our Classical incorporation of technology into the classroom is handled delicately with wisdom and moderation. At TCS, we utilize technology, not as a shiny new device but rather as a tool to be used within our curriculum. This is how the classical education model meets the modern world. When technology evolves, we evolve with it, but we do not change the focus and content of our curriculum.
Above all, as we humbly surrender to the idea that each day, we as educators have as much to learn as our students. We arrive to our campus inspired to learn and grow, inspired to collaborate with our families, and grateful that we can, in theory and in practice, celebrate the word and glory of Jesus Christ, or Lord.

Learn more by visiting or give us a call at (808) 262-8501

Grand Tour 2022

Temple of Apollo in Delphi

March 14, 2022
By Luke Klein

The Temple of Apollo is an ancient temple located in Delphi filled with knowledge and history, that used to house the Oracle of Apollo. The people would give offerings to the gods there, and occasionally the priestess would perform rituals to tell a prophecy of someone. People would come from far and wide for the chance to learn what future lay in store for them. Inscribed on the temple is writing covering the entirety of the pillars and walls. Occasionally, slaves who were set free would inscribe their names on the wall to have the gods and the people as witnesses to their freedom. Now in ruins, though still a wonderful sight to behold, the grand pillars still stand as a testament to Greek architecture.  

At the base of the hill where the temple stands is a museum filled with a wealth of history and artifacts. Our group toured the museum, starting with small artifacts that were recovered from the temple and culminating with beautiful statues from the height of Greco-Roman architecture. We were then led through the ruins of the temple and given time to explore and take pictures of the standing remains of the Temple of Apollo.  

Visit to Mount Olympus

March 13, 2022
By Sydnie Miller

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken, but endures forever. As a mountain surrounded Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.

Psalms 125:1-2

There is no doubt in saying that the mountains are a special place of connection between God and his people in Scripture. They are thought to represent divine inspiration, pilgrimage, or spiritual elevation. We see this in the journey of the pilgrims in the psalms of ascent or when Jesus was transfigured on Mount Tabor before the disciples. Today we were able to visit and climb the famous Mount Olympus! Not only were we able to learn about its incredible aspects such as its grand height at 2918 m (Mytikas peak), but also the biblical symbolism and personal stories that the site holds. As elementary and secondary students, we have learned the significance and importance of the great gods and their dwelling place, Mount Olympus, where are the mortals of the world were able to reflect on their gods from down below. So, it was amazing to see, as believers, how the ancients were able to worship and meet with their gods and how we are able to meet our Lord and Savior on the mountaintops of Greece. This experience really allowed us to create a picture of and make various connections to all that we had learned in previous years. Mount Olympus is simply one of the most breathtaking places to ever experience as a senior class!

Visit to Thessaloniki

March 11, 2022
By Beth Ines

Today we stayed in Thessaloniki, it was one of the first places where Paul the Apostle preached. First we went to the Church of Saint Dimitrios. This church is a five-isled basilica. He is the patron Saint of Thessaloniki. He has a unique life story. He secretly became a Christian at a young age; this was not allowed because at the time they worshipped idolatry gods. The emperor tried to send St. Dimitrios to chase and kill all of the Christians, but St. Dimitrios did not. He stood firm in his faith and refused his emperor. The emperor, furious, threw him into prison where he continued to preach the word of God. Nestoras, a follower of St. Dimitrios, went down to prison and asked St. Dimitrios if he could fight for him in the gladiatorial games. He was going to face the emperor's athletic giant. St. Dimitrios agreed and Nestoras won! However, the emperor was enraged and had them both killed. The church is built over St. Dimitrios' body, and contains hidden remains. It is extremely beautiful, and encapsulates the beauty and glory of God. The main colors are mahogany and gold. They have a relic in which the bones of St. Dimitrios have been for hundreds of years. There were also many beautiful illustrations of mosaics and murals depicting important saints within the Church.

Later we went to the White Tower. This place has great historical value. It was built by the Ottoman Empire, and it was used as a prison. There were many people tortured and executed there. In fact, there was so much bloodshed there that the walls were stained from the blood of the people who were kept prisoners there. As time went on, the "bloody" tower was whitewashed to change the reputation of it. 

Snowball Fight in Berea

March 10, 2022
By Jonah Isa

Snow! Something people from Hawaii do not see often. Well today we got to see a ton of it. The first thing we did was that we all grabbed coffee in Berea. Then from there we visited the statue of the Apostle Paul. It was interesting to finally put a face on this legendary icon. The final place we visited was Philip's tomb. The coolest part was seeing his original armor from battle. The highlight was the snowball fight at the end of the museum tour. It was a great bonding experience with the other class traveling with us (especially the boys). All of the boys had an all out, long-ranged war with snow balls. The rest of the day everyone had free time and was exhausted from the eventful day in paradise! 


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