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Kindergarten Prep

We are excited to bring back our bi-level Kindergarten program.  The transition from preschool to Kindergarten is pivotal, and here at Trinity, we believe in the "gift of time."  

Kindergarten Prep (KP) offers a schedule and curriculum perfectly suited for students who are either slightly below the age cut off for Kindergarten, or are needing just a bit more time to practice and develop the skills introduced in preschool, while being introduced to the academics of Kindergarten.

KP will follow the classroom schedule of our elementary program, including the specialists, Music, Art, Swimming, P.E., and Hawaiiana.  

With a shortened nap time compared to the preschool, Kindergarten Prep allows for a little more time for daily academics and exploratory learning.  

KP will follow the curriculum of our elementary program, including, The Writing Road to Reading: The Spalding Approach, and a form of Singapore math.  

Students will end their year with KP fully prepared for their upcoming year of Kindergarten and their years of schooling to come.

Who is eligible for Kindergarten Prep?

Kindergarten prep is specially designed for students turning 5 by the end of November.

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