The Classical Difference
How does the classical method help students to think, organize, and draw conclusions about their world?
Central to the classical approach is the integration of subjects, organized around a historical timeline. Literature, composition, science, art, and mathematics are connected to the time periods in which they developed.
Students engage with rigorous content and themes from the Western tradition that prepare them far beyond basic standards, resulting in a sense of greater understanding and true accomplishment. They learn to discern what is true, good, and beautiful as they model after their instructors; they develop a new degree of emotional, spiritual, physical, and academic independence.
This type of education originated in the Greco-Roman classical period, but was not categorized until the Middle Ages. Thence, the terms Trivium (three language arts) and Quadrivium (four mathematical arts) came to represent the whole of a liberal arts education.
We put an emphasis on all seven of these arts in an age-appropriate manner. For example, the three arts of the Trivium—Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric—provide a clear progression of study consistent with human cognitive and developmental growth.
Interested in learning more about classical Christian education? Click here to explore the Classical Difference.
The Good Soil Report
Have you heard about the Good Soil Report? This is a must read if you are considering Trinity or Classical Christian Education for your child and family.
From The Classical Difference:
"[The Good Soil Report] is a 2018-19 comparative study of 24-42 year old alumni from public, secular private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, religious homeschool, and ACCS (classical Christian) schools, on topics of life-choices, preparation, attitudes, values, opinions, and practices.
This research seems to confirm what history has repeatedly demonstrated—classical Christian education can influence the course of a home, a community, or a nation. Understandably, some will view the results of this survey skeptically because of the significant differences between classical Christian schools and the others surveyed. These results can be understood more fully by visiting the ACCS schools themselves."
Interested to dive deeper?
We highly recommend our Further Reading Links below!
Be sure to take some time to look over why Classical Education is the right choice for your child!